«Seasons. Multivariance» cycle
"Multivariance" is that the Spectator in this case is equal to the Artist, when creating a work of art. The viewer/owner can attach the works of the cycle to the foam board in any order. And, in addition, at your choice - the front side (A) or the back side (b). Or a bowl, some drawings - side A, some - side B.
Or, what option, even fold in half - and fix it like that ...
The idea of "Multivariance" - Individuality, the philosophy of Pico della Mirandola. Each person chooses his own way, each person is individual.
Each time, with each installation, a new work of art is obtained. And unique. For it is almost impossible to repeat 100% of the fabric folds, the play of light with a new hanging. The idea of Dasha Weissbrem is that the viewer/owner in this case is the same Creator as the Artist. Absolute equality. Creators - they are both. And also, those people who look at this installation. For the perception of any person is individual, valuable, unique!
P.S. ... or you can also, as an option, make the installation on black foam board. Any options are possible - the delay is only your personality.
In private collection.